Together with you, LCA creates, customizes, and facilitates learning and leadership development experiences that empower individuals and teams to impact self, others, and the business.


Leading Self

Adaptive Leadership

LCA creates a learning environment in which learners practice tools and techniques to advance capabilities in design and systems thinking, change leadership, risk and decision making. Build higher levels of adaptive leadership that drive successful business outcomes while influencing teams/stakeholders, championing innovative solutions, and operationalizing risk in the volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous (VUCA) environment.

Fundamental Leadership

Practice leading with humility, transparency, candor and accountability by developing personal and team leadership strategies when faced with challenges. Learn to build internal and external connections with rigor to business outcomes by examining the interconnections of operational rhythms and best practices to thrive in an uncertain world. Strengthen collaboration across mission-based teams to execute on collective solutions to meet business needs. Work to evaluate financial benchmarking and success indicators through case studies research.


Leading Others

High Performance Teams

Create and lead a culture of self-initiating and high performing teams who are known for delivering world class results. Excel in your role as a High Performance Leader by learning how to implement a performance improvement model to assess and remediate performance issues while assessing your team’s impact against customer outcomes/value. Experience the impact of peak performance coaching and breakthrough models for individuals and groups. Increase the quality and timeliness of your team’s decision making and ability to deliver predictable results.

Blended Leadership

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a major ripple in how leaders manage their teams. The needs, and even the locations of the workplace, have changed. Not to mention, it is changing at different rates. The current pandemic shows us that “one size does not fit all”. And strategies need to change on the daily. A leader in today’s environment must be able to blend their leadership style and strategies to individuals when leading a team. In the ever-changing business world, leaders find their team members located in corporate offices, remote home offices, and on-the-go. Whether co-located with team members or half-way around the world, today’s leader must approach leadership and process management in a blended approach. LCA creates a learning environment in which learners practice tools and techniques to advance capabilities in team culture, psychological safety, strengths assessment, change leadership, and continuous improvement optimization.


Leading the Business

Managing Chaotic Change

Change can be painful. People do not necessarily fear change, they fear loss. Intellectual and logistical challenges that tend to accompany organizational change may be daunting, but the emotional confusion and chaos created during such change can virtually paralyze an organization. In today’s turbulent environment, however, change is not optional. LCA provides a toolkit for leaders to guide their teams through organizational they need to field questions from their teams, identify stakeholders, address resistance, and build change initiatives . It gives them resources empathy.

Diversity & Inclusion

While diversity and inclusion education are just one tactical component of a comprehensive D&I strategy, LCA equips learners with the knowledge, skills and heightened level of personal awareness necessary to transform your overall approach towards becoming more eclectic and inclusive. This is critical for creating and sustaining change that fosters a more creative, respectful and productive workforce and workplace.


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Learn Connect Act International
174 Chester ave #118
Atlanta GA 30316