Executive Coaching has impact in ALL arenas

Authority Figures

Authority figures are under much scrutiny and stress. The frequency of stories in the media about misconduct and other issues around race and the use of force are front and center everywhere. This increased level of scrutiny has contributed to a substantial number of Authority figures leaving their professions for good. This stress has led to other Leaders becoming isolated in some respects, and many others taking more drastic approaches like suicide.

Upcoming Leaders

Maybe you have a high performer you’d like to develop for a leadership role. Or maybe someone is retiring and you need to groom their successor. A coach helps make these transitions seamless.

Leaders of Different Generations

A coach can help a young executive understand his or her role and evolve as a leader. A coach can also help executives who are leading millennials, who require a different leadership approach.

Existing Leaders

Sometimes an existing executive needs extra support. Maybe there’s a concern that’s keeping them from fulfilling their potential as a leader. A coach is a non-judgmental, trusted advisor who will help the leader overcome barriers to success.

Accelerating the impact of leaders

Executive Coaching helps leaders develop skills and strategies to increase their impact and enhance the value they bring to the organization.

All leaders face moments when the talents and capacities that made them successful in the past are no longer adequate. Taking on a new or more senior role, managing a new initiative, and leading change in chaotic times all require growth in new directions. Often this calls for both new skills and new ways of thinking.

Our coaching process is tailored to individual needs, challenges and objectives. At the start of each engagement, access the leaders current state via 360° assessments. We work together with the leader to set goals, identify measures of success and build a customized development plan for getting there. Our objective is to zero in on the issue that will generate the biggest win and rapidly dive into it.

Through a one-on-one, confidential relationship with a supportive leadership expert, executives build awareness of their strengths and weaknesses and develop new strategies, outlooks and skills so they can tackle challenges that they have not faced before. Coaching provides a rare and valuable opportunity for leaders to gain fresh insights and experiment with new ways of thinking and acting that will take them to the next level of performance.

Creating sustained value to the organization.

Every coaching engagement is uniquely designed for a leader and his or her unique context. The focus is always on achieving business results and addressing the most pressing needs and will help:

  • Improve “people skills” in technically very competent employees (“high IQ – low EQ”)
  • Facilitate the transition of internal talent from managers to leaders
  • Accelerate the transition of new or recently promoted staff into their new role
  • Coach people leaders to establish a team / organizational culture that drives collaboration and high-performance
  • Support leaders when managing change or organizational growth (scaling up)
  • Provides effective, timely, “on-demand” spot coaching at the client’s site or virtually.


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174 Chester ave #118
Atlanta GA 30316